Thursday, January 31, 2008

EPISODE#6 Violence Jack aka the new episode 1 -start here

DOWNLOAD HERE **NOTICE in order to protect new listeners mortal souls from the horror of my first five episodes (they are pretty ruff, lets just start here and say episode 6 is the new start for newer listeners. If for some strange reason you want the first five episodes feel free to email me....


InternalMasonry said...

Hail Captain Regan Strongblood!

Excellent site.

Fortress Crookedjaw

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I would KILL for the uncut Violence Jack; Any good Violence Jack fan would. Afterall, how else could we pay homage to the great Violence Jack without random acts of savage violence?

ZombieToaster said...

Thanks for the violence :)

Also i love the beard-tastic new banner :D

here is something you might like :)

Charleston said...

I think Violence Jack is just that, a violent spirit. Cause in the manga, he's not a man, but some sort of supernatural force. Like in one volume, teachers were being taken away by said african savages, and then the kids need a hero, so this thunder comes down on this protector statue named big Jack, and he becomes, our manly man of a hero,m Violence jack.

Regan Strongblood said...

Mr.Daryl Surat you honor me with your mighty presence .