Thursday, May 15, 2008

Episode 16 HAIL COBRA

Its all about the Space Cobra and the ANIMELOVE!! DOWNLOAD HERE


Anonymous said...

Amen, stick it to him! I thought Regina looked lovely. Alex, very much likes to play the "Good cop, bad cop" dynamic with the show.

I'll have to come clean, I've never actually listened to the original soundtrack of the Space Adventure Cobra film, well not in it's entirety.

Alryo said...


Alryo said...

Recently I watched the first episode (cobra) I used to watched Cobra when I was a kid because it was cool, but never in a sequential order or paying attention to the plot. The first episode was just awesome it hooked me totally. Thanks for the shout out. Keep up the Cobra review goodness!!

Unknown said...

I have to come clean.I have never seen SAC in my life.

For shame.

Regan Strongblood said...

Hey Alryo you have to watch all of Cobra its great.

Marius for shame!!! go watch it,its really good.

Dane do you have the australian version of the movie? I could only find the subbed dvd rip of it im very curious to hear the dub,because I know it was dule audio,was it anygood??

Anonymous said...

The dub is fantastic in my opinion; despite being a Manga UK dub, it wasn't bombarded with swearwords (I don't even remember hearing one)and a lot of the voice actors were veterens.

The voice actor of Cobra, was Bob Bergen, I believe. He voices Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars games, Porky Pig(!), Lupin in the original Streamline dub of Castle Of Cagliostro to name a few. At least I'm 90% sure it's him.

Unknown said...

i love Cobra. it was one of the first anime i have seen when i was 6 years old.

Marius said...

I have to come clean.I have never seen SAC in my life.

For shame.