Thursday, August 7, 2008


Midori(Shoujo Tsubaki)

Hiroshi Haradas strange sad and wonderful anime......
I also talk on this and that DOWNLOAD HERE


Anonymous said...

I've been too scared to download Midori; This should be great listening for the plane trip to Vietnam tommorow!

Unknown said...

Man dude ; Sucks major balls regarding that senseless killing of that young kid.

Root Beer King said...

Wow This anime sounds quite interesting. I'm downloading it right now!

Regan Strongblood said...

Have fun in Vietnam Dane sounds neat.

Marius man I know it was so harsh poor guy.

Rootbeer king,nice to see you around here again!!!

Guys I just downloaded starship troopers 3 ,I hear it has mechas like the book in it..wonder if it will be any good.

Unknown said...

I have serious issues with watching another Starship Troopers . Especially after no 2

Anonymous said...

Hey, Regan!

I'm in Vietnam now; I kid you not, anyone who can make a buck out of you will do whatever they can to cheat you, I don't know why I always keep going there.

Korea, however, shall be awesome. Heading there tommorow.

Starship Troopers 3 is directed by Edward Neumeier; The writer of Robocop (one of the best 80's films in existence) and the first Starship Troopers film; so it should be much closer in tone to the first one. I can't wait to see it!

Oh yes, Regan; Do Orange Road!

Root Beer King said...

I never left Regan! I've been in the shadows, waiting to leave another comment, for quite some time.

Regan Strongblood said...

rootbeerking are the comment-batman of anime82!!!!!!

Root Beer King said...

Ey Regan! You mentioned Dash Kappei awhile back right? I just wanted to say I've been checkin' it out. Tis pretty good, though I can't help but think to myself while watching it: "You don't carry the ball, you dribble it! Dribble it!"
"But if we can't carry the ball, then how can we get a decent shot at the uh, beach-basket?"
"Alright then, maybe we can allow a carry of a couple of steps."