Thursday, November 6, 2008

episode28:Metal Skin Panic Madox 01

This week I look at..
-another ova mecha bomb 1988s Madox 01
-talk about a former Canadian rap star turned voice actor
-tell you all about the uncut japAnese version of astro boy 2003
-give massive respect to the god of manga


Unknown said...

Great review man! Hey Riggs, I just heard on Anime News Network that Aramaki is working on a new sci-fi series called Viper's Creed in January. Wonder how it will turn out.

John-Paul Natysin said...

hey man. just listened to your latest episode sometime yesterday. i guess i can see how you wouldn't like your old eps. i thought they were pretty cool, but thats just me. i especially enjoyed the one where that robot did the optimus prime battle rap. that was classic.

Regan Strongblood said...

Anthony: vipers creed eh?never heard of it yet.
Garyfightbaitpiano:thanks mang ,I was talking more about my episodes around 1-4.. that robot rapping about prime was the one and only GOLD LIGHTAN rumour has it he may return one day for the glory of the ANIMELOVE!

Unknown said...

Yeah dude don't delete the older shows.It's a testament , as to how far your show has progressed.

Regan Strongblood said...

marius man I wanted to ask,what is going on with your podcast?,did you say its making a return?

Unknown said...

Yeah we are ; Hush Hush and all that.We're still busy on the actual site.Don't fear I'll contact you , as I might need help from certain torrent groups,

Regan Strongblood said...

My friend your wish is my command,glad to see your return.

tissuekins said...

Regan, my friend, this was an awesome episode, I laughed, and cried, and then thought about sexy, sexy mech porn. I'm gonna check this show out.