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- anime fansub news
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- box fansubs new release girls detective club 1986
- why golion rules this and many other worlds
- manga to check out
- reagan's recommendations
- 2 new episodes of anime82 soon to be released
- did i mention the ANIMELOVE???
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It's Berserk vol.35 actually! Also it's a good thing that I never watched Voltron and only Golion! On a related note, it's just tragic that Ideon Art Director Mitsuki Nakamura passed away five months ago. Speaking of Ideon what are thoughts on Tomino returning to the series that ended the super robot era after thirty-one years Regan? Ideon's reboot is no surprise to me, but "Kill'em all Tomino" of all people?
I love the fact Tomino is coming back, I think he is one of the greatest anime directors of all times. Just imagine what they might do with Ideon it might be the darkest Tomino show yet. I hope they bring a dark edge to the new Ideon the reality of war is just this kill or be killed Ideon fight for freedom! Good call on the Berserk I did notice afterwards I made the mistake but left it in anyhow. Thanks Anthony its awesome your a fan of Ideon its such a great show, I love the Ideon mecha design, I always wanted one of the hq models of it.
Rip in peace Mitsuki Nakamura, thanks for bringing this to my attention what a talent worked on countless awesome shows.
Indeed, I just adore the tripod designs of the Buff Clan mecha and the exotic spaceships! Nevertheless, I don't think the art directors get enough attention as much as the series directors or mechanical designers do; let alone the in-betweeners. RIP Nakamura-sama.
Meanwhile, I can just see a lot of blood and gore in the new Ideon; perhaps something as violent and dark as the Gundam novel trilogy. Maybe include some good old-fashioned pilot angst among the changes eh?
All we can do now is just wait and see in the next update on ANN.
Theres something on Baka BT from some adult publishing company that is wanting to put out dubbed versions of Cream Lemon "Star Trap" that is just sitting in the site, waiting to be accepted. I wanna see dubbed Cream Lemon. Id flip out if there was even a fan-dubbed version of Pop Chaser that showed up on the net, if one even existed.
I feel you man.
Im pretty sure there is just 2 episodes left until Cream Lemon season 1 is fully fan subbed would love if they completed it for my collection. I didnt know they had a English dub for Pop Chaser, I will keep an eye out for it and send it your way if I find it else where.
Oh man, do I ever know how you feel. Fansub consumers can be the most ungrateful nitpicky pricks. What makes it even more audacious is the fact that they're getting it for free; thanks to the labour of people who do an utterly thankless job for free.
Yes, Cyber City Oedo eventually did get released. By that stage, I was several thousand kilometres away from my PC, so I didn't even receive any seeding benefits.
Doctor Slump is AWESOME; They're airing the remastered version of the original TV series on Hong Kong TV at the moment. Even though I can't understand everything they're saying, it's just that good that you can enjoy it regardless. Doctor Slump was HUGE in Hong Kong during the 1980's and there's a huge Doctor Slump nostalgia blitz going on right now. Dr. Slump MP3 players, Dr. Slump VISA CREDIT CARDS (Yes seriously), Dr. Slump cutlery, Dr. Slump mini-fridges. Dr. Slump is EVERYWHERE in Hong Kong at the moment.
Gensoteam, a French fansubbing group, released around 50 episodes with French subs; I was thinking about translating the subs from French to English. I'm sure the fansub kiddies will cry and roll over the floor because it's French to English, but honestly, fuck them.
I'm glad to hear someone is going to continue High Speed Jeccy. No offence to Area88, but stay the heck away from him with any multi episode titles. He is utterly unreliable and never finishes a multi-episode project.
Mr Dane glad to hear from you my friend!
Cant wait to hear anipac when you return, Dr Slump is such a great show.\
I agree with you on the area88 thing, not to be rude but why start what you wont finish eh?
As for the dr slump address here you go my friend...
Awesome! I might be able to rip the subs via OCR and then apply them to some high quality raws. Here's hoping!
I've actually been back in Hong Kong for 2 1/2 weeks, but just haven't had a chance to record anything yet. Great episode!
I think you may very well love this, Regan! Further proof of how huge Doctor Slump is in Hong Kong:
Thats it Dane im going to Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel!!!
What canI say Dane, looks like HK has good taste!
P.s you should get your daughter a dr slump Arale hat, that would be cute!!
I'm tempted to stay there myself! I was thinking of getting my daughter the whole Arale setup. Hat, glasses; the lot.
If you do Dane snap a picture, I guess shes the perfect age for Arale cosplay.
Also if you stay at that hotel be sure to take alot of pictures could would be a perfect thing to talk about on good old anipac.
Sweet, thanks man. Really only Pop Chaser and Star Trap were the only two that were really entertaining to watch. Because if you take out the sex, they can stand on their own as a one shot OVA.
And they didnt approve the Star Trap one, there excuse is "We've decided not to allow this, as it is two episodes off a 39 episode
series. The only reason it has a separate 'title' is thanks to
Big whoopdy eff'in do.
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