Im back in full effect this time I talk on...
-1978's Space Pirate Captain Harlock
-Dane of Anime Pacific returns with his review of Twilight of the Cockroaches
-Gerald of the Anime World Order and Exedore of Anime Classics talk fansubs
-The anime question, news and Regans recommendations
-Dont forget the power of the ANIMELOVE!!! DOWNLOAD HERE
Oh thank you for mentioning that Mission-E got finished. I enjoyed that show.
BTW, are you going to get Dairugger when that comes out?
Yeah VZ Mission-E is a great show.
dvd release date for Dairugger is February 23, 2010, you know im gonna grab that as soon as I can. Its not as good as Golion but I will take any old school robot show I can find.
Also guys I forgot to talk about the director of Harlock, none other than good old Rintaro! So many of the shows I cover are directed by this guy, Hino tori, Metropolis ect ect.
The best part was the intro! Speaking of Rintaro, my fave movie he directed was X:the movie.
I wish you talked about the spaceships more Regan. I love how the shuttle crafts of the Arcadia turn into smaller ships!
Good call Anthony, I do wish I would have talked more on the ships and the director, I kind of went crazy on this review. X:the movie wasnt my fav I hear the tv series is not bad, I have not watched it yet.There is just so much anime its hard to keep up.Guys if you want to answer the anime question just send me a voice mail, dont be shy!
Don't forget the space battles in Capt.Harlock! I just dig the dogfights and ship to ship fights.
I think Gall force's are better, just because there's missile flying all over! And let's not forget Space Cruiser Yamato! The first episode had the best space battle ever!
Anyone else reminded of the X-Men when watching Mission-E?
Vz I can see how you kind of get an Xmen vibe. Im going to review Mission-E and Code-E for sure. Its a bloody miracle guys, first Mission- E gets completed and now the other show I was waiting on Mōryō no Hako (box of Goblins) just got completed today!....
Oh yeah and also just completed VIFAM, its like christmas all over again!!!
Fantastic episode, my dear Regan! It was great to actually hear Exedore. He seems like a jolly fine fellow. I'd be totally lost in Anime angst and despair were it not for Anime Classic.
Great episode Regan!
Keep it up!
Anime HACK
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